众所周知,内部人通过交易获利。2009 年,超过 5.9 万名不同的内部人士向美国证券交易委员会提交了公开文件。前一年,则有 65,000 多人。盲目模仿所有这些内部人士不会有什么结果。而只模仿顶级内部人士,即那些业绩最好的内部人士,则另当别论。
Insider Monkey 采用混合评估系统,利用内幕交易和其他市场异常现象来减少值得模仿的内幕人士数量。Insider Monkey 还提供高质量的实证文章,让个人投资者了解投资的复杂性。
It's a well known fact that insiders profit from their transactions. More than 59,000 different insiders made public filings with the SEC in 2009. The year before that, more than 65,000 did. Blindly imitating all of these insiders won't yield much. Monkeying only the top insiders, the ones who have the best track record, is a different story. Insider Monkey uses a hybrid evaluation system that exploits insider transactions and other market anomalies to reduce the number of insiders who are worthy enough to monkey. Insider Monkey also provides high quality evidence based articles to inform individual investors about the intricacies of investing.